- Medisch & chirurgisch instrumentarium
- Basisinstrumentarium
- Retractor systemen
- Botchirurgie
- Hart-en vaat
- Neuro- en rugchirurgie
- Oogheelkunde
- Plastische chirurgie
- Dentaal
- Reiniging & sterilisatie - CSA
- FlexClean
- 1. Doorspoelnetten algemeen
- 2. Doorspoelnetten dentaal
- 3. Losse spoelbuis
- 4. Koppeling tbv wasrek
- 5. Filters, silicone slang & connectoren
- 6. Accessoires en spoelaansluitingen tbv instrumenten
- 7. RVS injector
- 8. Spoelhuls
- 9. Silicone opnames tbv instrumenten
- GO producten
- GO Jack
- Dentale boorhouders
- Instrumentnetten
- Draadnetten 1/4 DIN
- Draadnetten 1/2 DIN
- Draadnetten 3/4 DIN
- Draadnetten 1 DIN
- Draadnetten DIN XL
- Draadnetten ISO
- Draadnetten ISO-2
- Draadnetten speciale maten
- Geperforeerde netten DIN
- Geperforeerde netten DIN XL
- Geperforeerde netten grote maten
- Geperforeerde netten speciale maten
- Micro of fijnmazige mandjes
- Optiekkorfen
- Wonddrainage
- LVS - Laag Vacuum Wonddrainage Systeem
- LVS NG - Laag Vacuum Wonddrainage Systeem NG
- HVS - Hoog Vacuum Wonddrainage Systeem
- Mini balg 40 ml
- Passief drainage
- Verbindingsslangen
- Drains met naald
- Drains
- Naald
- Procedure trays & disposables: kaakchirurgie, implantologie
- Losse disposables
- Afdekmateriaal
- Afzuigslangen
- Boorhoezen
- Coldpacks
- Fysiologisch zout 0,9% NaCl
- Infuusbestekken
- Persoonsbescherming
- Steriele pakketten
- Containers en Trays KLS Martin
- Electrochirurgie
- Gipstafel
- Medisch meubilair
- Gipskamer
- Steris
Packing Unit 30 pieces.
The GO Jack® is made of recycled sterile wrap and has been introduced in April of 2022. The GO Jack is the first circular product made out of hospital waste in a series of sustainable innovations [1].
GreenCycl collects hospital waste and reprocesses into new raw materials. Van Straten Medical then sources these raw materials for production of circular medical products.
For every kg of plastic waste we recycle into GO products, we save 3 kg CO2 emissions [2].
1. B. van Straten, ...T. Horeman, et al, Surgical waste reprocessing: Injection molding using recycled blue wrapping paper from the operating room, Journal of Cleaner Production.
2. Pathak, et al. (2023). Circular Transformation in Plastic Management Lessen the Carbon Footprint of the Plastic Industry. Materials Today Sustainability. 10.1016/j.mtsust.2023.100365.